关于我: —————————————————————————————
我的算法合集 —————————————————————————————
关于我的原创游戏 —————————————————————————————
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<windows.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC) { WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), wColor); } int main(){ SetColorAndBackground(4,0); int rou = 0; int mutou = 0; cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout <<"<野 外 生 存>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; char cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout <<"<开始 a键 通知 b键>"<< endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout <<"<请输入小写>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout <<"[》》]"; char a = getch(); system("cls"); string c100; int gongzuotai = 0; if(a == 'a'){ cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout<<"<你失忆了>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout<<"<你不记得发生什么了。>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout<<"<连你的名字也忘了>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout<<"<但是你的意识让你明白>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout<<"<你必须活下去>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout<<"<先给自己取个名字吧>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cin>>c100; system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout <<"<你好,"<< c100<<"。>"<<endl; Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout <<endl; cout <<endl; cout <<"<第一天>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "<1.砍树 +3木头 2.杀动物 +10肉 3.探索>"<<endl;Sleep(3000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; int b = getch(); system("cls"); if(b == 49){ cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"<获得意外惊喜!!!>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"<木头+3>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"<肉+4>"<< endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<"[继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; mutou = mutou + 3; rou = rou + 4; cout <<"<一个木头合成工作台>"<<endl;Sleep(3000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"<1、是 2、否>"<<endl;Sleep(2000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; int shi = getch(); if(shi == 49){ mutou = mutou - 1; gongzuotai + 1; cout << "<+1工作台(每个只能用一次,用完后便会消失)>"<<endl;Sleep(4000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } }else if(b == 50){ cout << "<+10肉>"<< endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; rou = rou + 10; }else{ int computer = rand()% 3 + 1; if(computer == 2){ cout <<"<恭喜你,"<<c100<<"死了>"<<endl;Sleep(3000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<c100<<"<死于AC鸭的暴击>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<李老师:>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<菜就多练!>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; return 0; }else{ cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"<"<<c100<<"死了>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<c100<<"<死于不小心打开了开学之门>"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; return 0; } } int qiang = 0; cout<<"<你十分饥渴,你开始中暑了。>"<<endl;Sleep(2000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<你必须前往荒岛中心寻找水源。>"<<endl;Sleep(2000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<可是你此时看见海边竟然有一艘沉船>"<<endl;Sleep(2000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<1探索沉船 2寻找水源>"<<endl;Sleep(3000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; int b1 = getch(); if(b1==49){ qiang = 1; cout<<"<你探索沉船时发现了一瓶淡水,你迫不及待的喝了下去。>"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<你不口渴了,随后你又发现了一把枪和一些物资和子弹。>"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<你决定往荒岛中心走去。>"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<你发现了一个山洞,里面十分适合居住>"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"<你决定安定下来。>"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } else{ cout<<"<探索荒岛中心发现了淡水湖,你迫不及待的喝了下去。>"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你不口渴了]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你还发现了一个山洞,里面十分适合居住]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你决定安定下来。]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } if(qiang == 1){ mutou = 0; cout<<"[天黑了]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你决定使用工作台把木头做成木板]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[封住洞口]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; }else{ cout<<"[天黑了]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[风呼呼的吹。]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你听到了野兽的叫声,在往这边靠近。]"<<endl;Sleep(3000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[突然,你意识到是自己身上的肉]"<<endl;Sleep(3000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[可是已经晚了]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"[恭喜你,"<<c100<<"死了]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"["<<c100<<"死于SB鸭的暴击]"<<endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[李老师:]"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[练就多菜!]"<<endl;Sleep(1200); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; return 0; } cout<<"[过了一会 .......]";Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[“啪,啪,啪啪啪”]";Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[“哗啦”]";Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[尽管有木板挡着可是AC鸭还是闯了进来]";Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你拿出了枪]";Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[突然发现火枪内湿了]";Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[这下只能看运气了]";Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; #include <bits/stdc++.h> int bb2 = 3; for(int i = 1;i<=3;i++){ cout <<"[火枪火药量 还剩"<<bb2<<"次机会]" << endl;Sleep(2400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"[请选择]" << endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"[1.少量]" << endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"[2.中量]" << endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"[3.大量]" << endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; int player = getch(); int computer = rand()% 3 + 1; if ((player == 50 && computer == 1) || (player == 49 && computer == 3) || (player == 51 && computer == 2)){ cout <<"[开枪失败了]\n"; Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; bb2--; }else{ cout <<"[开枪成功了]" << endl; Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; break; } if(bb2 == 0){ cout<<"[你未能及时开枪]"<<endl; Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[被AC鸭杀死了]"<<endl; Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; return 0; } } cout<<"[天亮了]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你决定建造庇护所]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[需要15个木头]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[输入“K ”扒开草丛]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; for(int i = 1;i<=15;i++){ cout<<" ______"<<endl<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| 草 |"<<endl<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"|______|"<<endl<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<" "; int computer = rand()% 3 + 1; int dcba = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; if(computer == 1){ mutou += 1; cout<<"[木头 +1]"<<endl; Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } else if(computer == 2){ mutou += 2; cout<<"[木头 +2]"<<endl; Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } else { mutou += 3; cout<<"[木头 +3]"<<endl; Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } if(mutou >= 15){ break; } } cout<<"[凑够了]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你开始着手搭建]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[天色渐渐暗了下来]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你终于建好了]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[给房子起个名字吧]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; string name; cin>>name; system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<" ___________________________________ "<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"|[][][][][] [[[]]] |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| 营 [] [] |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| 地 [] [] |火| |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"|[][][][][] [] |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| [[[]]] |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"|___________ |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"| 制作台 [] [] |"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<"|___________[]_门口_[]______________|"<<endl;Sleep(800); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[忙了一天,你十分疲惫]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[一下子就睡着了]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[一切都在往好的方向走]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[但事实真的如此吗?]"<<endl; Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[度过夜晚中。。。。。]"<<endl;Sleep(14000); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[“bong!!!bong!!!”]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[一阵阵巨大响声将你惊醒]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[好像是某种坚硬的东西在撞击木门]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[突然,撞击声变小了]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[随之而来的是一阵喘气声]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你不禁警觉起来]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你虽然在岛上没有见过人类生活的痕迹]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[但也不确定是不是有人在另一边登岛]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[要知道在这种险恶的地方人性比AC鸭还要可怕]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[况且听这撞击的力度,可以确定对面应该是个壮汉]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你拿起枪向门口走去]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[躲在门后]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[pong!!!]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[一个高大的男人走了进来]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[果真是个壮汉,还好他并没有发现你]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你冲了上去,你决定:]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; int jueze = 0; cout<<"[1对着壮汉的脑门开一枪 2将其撂倒]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); jueze = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; if(jueze == 1){ cout<<"[壮汉的脑袋瞬间炸裂开来,脑浆与血液喷了你一脸]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你邪魅一笑,用手将脸上的血抹去]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[“呵,可笑,身形大有什么用”]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[突然,你左眼一黑,一摊黑血从黑溜溜的洞中流出]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你痛的跪在地上,用手捂着左眼]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[一个球形物体落到了你手上]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你将捂着左眼的手松开]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[一颗新鲜的眼球展现在你面前,上面还有着跟蜈蚣一样的虫子在往里钻]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[此时你的半边身子已经没了知觉,你向壮汉的尸体看去]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[满地的血液中爬着无数跟眼球上一模一样的虫子]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[“呵呵,原来这才是一切的...源头.......”]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你死前好像恢复了某些记忆.....还是人格]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[你的身体被虫子们分成了无数块,却没有任何的血流出来]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[“这才是真正的我啊!哈哈哈哈哈!!!”]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[第二个“壮汉”大喊到]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[系统:主人,身体被侵占的感觉不好吧 :| ]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[电子音:数据录取完成,随时可以启动第二阶段]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[系统:好了,我的碳基宠物,寒暄就到这里吧 :) ]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[系统电子音:好好玩吧,我可爱的宠物 :> ]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[系统电子音:毕竟还差一步我就要取代你们了呀,好好享受吧 :> ]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout<<"[人体电子音:第34416次 “重席计划”启动]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } else{ cout<<"[系统:你好像做了正确的抉择啊,可是这不是我想要的,那就拜托你死去吧]"<<endl;Sleep(1400); cout<<" [继续]"; cao = getch(); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; } }else{ SetColorAndBackground(3,0); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "[想参与制作的同学可以私聊我们]\n";Sleep(3000); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "[UID: 40352]\n";Sleep(3000); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "[UID: 52519]";Sleep(3000); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; return 0; } SetColorAndBackground(3,0); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "[想参与制作的同学可以私聊我们]"<<endl;Sleep(3000); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "[UID: 40352]"<<endl;Sleep(3000); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout <<"[UID: 52519]"; Sleep(3000); system("cls"); cout << endl; cout << endl; return 0; }
This person is lazy and didn't join any contests or homework. -
This person is lazy and didn't write any solutions. -
- 系统测试
- 1
- 字符串
- 1
- 字典树
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