spoj#XORX. x-Xor It!
x-Xor It!
Given an array of n integers and a number x. Your task is very simple. You have to find the subarray (length>0) whose xor is maximum with x. lets say the subarray as maxsubarray.You have to print the xor value of maxsubarray.
first line of input consists of t test cases
second line of input contains two integers n and x.
third line contains n space separated integers denoting the elements of array
first line of input consists of t test cases
second line of input contains two integers n and x.
third line contains n space separated integers denoting the elements of array
first and only line of output is Xor value of maxsubarray.
1<=arr[i]<=2*10^9 where arr[i] is any integer of array
Input: 1 3 7 1 2 3</p>Output: 0
taking 1^2^3 is 0 when taken xor with 7 gives us the maxmimum xor value.