bzoj#P3929. [SEERC2014] Circle of digits

[SEERC2014] Circle of digits


You are given a circular string of length nn that consists of digits 1..9\texttt{1..9}. You want to split it into kk continuous non-empty parts. Each of those parts represents a decimal notation of some integer number. Your goal is to find a partition that minimizes the maximum integer from the partition at hand.

For example, if the string is 7654321\texttt{7654321} and k=3k=3 then the optimal partition is {176,54,32}\{\texttt{176},\texttt{54},\texttt{32}\} which has 176\texttt{176} as the maximum number. Note that the string is cyclic, that is the first character goes right after the last one (as in the 176\texttt{176} part of the above example).

Input Format

The first line of the input contains two integers nn and kk.
The second line contains a string of length nn which consists only of characters 1..9\texttt{1..9}.

Output Format

Output the value of the maximal number in the optimal partition.

4 2
7 3
5 5


In the first sample the optimal partition is {32,14}\{\texttt{32},\texttt{14}\}.
In the second sample the optimal partition is {176,54,32}\{\texttt{176},\texttt{54},\texttt{32}\}.
In the third sample the optimal (and the only possible) partition is $\{\texttt 1,\texttt 2,\texttt 3,\texttt 2,\texttt 1\}$.


For 100%100\% of testcases, 3n1053\le n\le 10^5, 2kn2\le k\le n.


SouthEastern European Regional Contest 2014, Problem B