atcoder#HITACHI2020E. Odd Sum Rectangles
Odd Sum Rectangles
Score : points
Problem Statement
We have a grid with rows and columns. You are asked to write or in each of these squares. Let be the number written in the square at the -th row from the top and the -th column from the left.
For a quadruple of integers such that $1\leq i_1 \leq i_2\leq 2^N-1, 1\leq j_1 \leq j_2\leq 2^M-1$, let $S(i_1, i_2, j_1, j_2) = \displaystyle \sum_{r=i_1}^{i_2}\sum_{c=j_1}^{j_2}a_{r,c}$. Then, let the oddness of the grid be the number of quadruples such that is odd.
Find a way to fill in the grid that maximizes its oddness.
- and are integers between and (inclusive).
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
Print numbers to write in the grid so that its oddness is maximized, in the following format:
If there are multiple solutions, you can print any of them.
1 2
For this grid, , , , and are odd, so it has the oddness of .
We cannot make the oddness or higher, so this is one of the ways that maximize the oddness.