atcoder#ARC131D. [ARC131D] AtArcher

[ARC131D] AtArcher

Score : 600600 points

Problem Statement

Ringo is participating in an archery contest AtArcher.

In AtArcher, a participant shoots NN arrows at a target on a number line to compete for the total score. The center of the target is at coordinate 00. Based on where the arrow hits, the score of the shot is defined as follows.

  • For i=0,1,,M1i = 0, 1, \dots, M-1, if the arrow hits a point whose distance from the center of the target is between rir_i and ri+1r_{i+1}, the score is sis_i. If the distance is greater than rMr_M, the score is 00. If the arrow hits the boundary, the higher score is applied.
  • The closer to the center, the higher the score is. In other words, the following is satisfied.- 0=r0<r1<<rM1<rM0 = r_0 \lt r_1 \lt \cdots \lt r_{M-1} \lt r_M
    • s0>s1>>sM1>0s_0 \gt s_1 \gt \cdots \gt s_{M-1} \gt 0
  • 0=r0<r1<<rM1<rM0 = r_0 \lt r_1 \lt \cdots \lt r_{M-1} \lt r_M
  • s0>s1>>sM1>0s_0 \gt s_1 \gt \cdots \gt s_{M-1} \gt 0

For example, the figure below shows the score for a shot when r=(0,2,7,9),s=(100,70,30)r = (0, 2, 7, 9), s = (100, 70, 30).

Additionally, AtArcher has one special rule: the distance between any two arrows must always be at least DD. Violating this rule disqualifies the participant, making the total score 00.

What is the maximum total score that Ringo can get from all the shots?


  • 1N1051 \leq N \leq 10^5
  • 1M1051 \leq M \leq 10^5
  • 1D1061 \leq D \leq 10^6
  • $0 = r_0 \lt r_1 \lt \cdots \lt r_{M-1} \lt r_M \leq 10^{11}$
  • $10^{11} \geq s_0 \gt s_1 \gt \cdots \gt s_{M-1} \gt 0$
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


r0r_0 r1r_1 \cdots rM1r_{M-1} rMr_M

s0s_0 s1s_1 \cdots sM1s_{M-1}


Print the answer.

3 3 3
0 2 7 9
100 70 30

This sample input corresponds to the case in the Problem Statement, with D=3D = 3.

For example, if the N=3N = 3 arrows hit the coordinates 6,2,1-6, -2, 1, they score 70,100,10070, 100, 100, respectively, for a total score of 270270, which is the maximum achievable.

Note that you cannot hit the 100100-point area with all the arrows to score 300300, because the distance between any two arrows must be at least D=3D = 3, or you will be disqualified and score 00.

3 3 8
0 2 7 9
100 70 30

This sample input corresponds to the case in the Problem Statement, with D=8D = 8.

For example, if the N=3N = 3 arrows hit the coordinates 7,1,9-7, 1, 9, they score 70,100,3070, 100, 30, respectively, for a total score of 200200, which is the maximum achievable.

7 5 47
0 10 40 100 160 220
50 25 9 6 3

For example, if you shoot the arrows as shown in the following figure, you will score 111111 in total, which is the maximum.

100 1 5
0 7

You can shoot N=100N = 100 arrows, but in order to avoid disqualification, at most 33 arrows can hit the area with a positive score.

15 10 85
0 122 244 366 488 610 732 854 976 1098 1220
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1