atcoder#ABC155F. [ABC155F] Perils in Parallel

[ABC155F] Perils in Parallel

Score: 600600 points

Problem Statement

After being invaded by the Kingdom of AlDebaran, bombs are planted throughout our country, AtCoder Kingdom.

Fortunately, our military team called ABC has managed to obtain a device that is a part of the system controlling the bombs.

There are NN bombs, numbered 11 to NN, planted in our country. Bomb ii is planted at the coordinate AiA_i. It is currently activated if Bi=1B_i=1, and deactivated if Bi=0B_i=0.

The device has MM cords numbered 11 to MM. If we cut Cord jj, the states of all the bombs planted between the coordinates LjL_j and RjR_j (inclusive) will be switched - from activated to deactivated, and vice versa.

Determine whether it is possible to deactivate all the bombs at the same time. If the answer is yes, output a set of cords that should be cut.


  • All values in input are integers.
  • 1N1051 \leq N \leq 10^5
  • 1Ai109 (1iN)1 \leq A_i \leq 10^9\ (1 \leq i \leq N)
  • AiA_i are pairwise distinct.
  • BiB_i is 00 or 11. (1iN)(1 \leq i \leq N)
  • 1M2×1051 \leq M \leq 2 \times 10^5
  • 1LjRj109 (1jM)1 \leq L_j \leq R_j \leq 10^9\ (1 \leq j \leq M)


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


A1A_1 B1B_1



L1L_1 R1R_1




If it is impossible to deactivate all the bombs at the same time, print -1. If it is possible to do so, print a set of cords that should be cut, as follows:


c1c_1 c2c_2 \dots ckc_k

Here, kk is the number of cords (possibly 00), and c1,c2,,ckc_1, c_2, \dots, c_k represent the cords that should be cut. 1c1<c2<<ckM1 \leq c_1 < c_2 < \dots < c_k \leq M must hold.

3 4
5 1
10 1
8 0
1 10
4 5
6 7
8 9
1 4

There are two activated bombs at the coordinates 5,105, 10, and one deactivated bomb at the coordinate 88.

Cutting Cord 11 switches the states of all the bombs planted between the coordinates 11 and 1010, that is, all of the three bombs.

Cutting Cord 44 switches the states of all the bombs planted between the coordinates 88 and 99, that is, Bomb 33.

Thus, we can deactivate all the bombs by cutting Cord 11 and Cord 44.

4 2
2 0
3 1
5 1
7 0
1 4
4 7

Cutting any set of cords will not deactivate all the bombs at the same time.

3 2
5 0
10 0
8 0
6 9
66 99

All the bombs are already deactivated, so we do not need to cut any cord.

12 20
536130100 1
150049660 1
79245447 1
132551741 0
89484841 1
328129089 0
623467741 0
248785745 0
421631475 0
498966877 0
43768791 1
112237273 0
21499042 142460201
58176487 384985131
88563042 144788076
120198276 497115965
134867387 563350571
211946499 458996604
233934566 297258009
335674184 555985828
414601661 520203502
101135608 501051309
90972258 300372385
255474956 630621190
436210625 517850028
145652401 192476406
377607297 520655694
244404406 304034433
112237273 359737255
392593015 463983307
150586788 504362212
54772353 83124235
1 7 8 9 11

If there are multiple sets of cords that deactivate all the bombs when cut, any of them can be printed.